Monday, January 30, 2012

Design Board

I went to Michael's today and found a

foam board for $15.99 made by Elmers.

I had a 40% off coupon and decided

to buy the board and try to make myself

a design board. Which I did! I covered it

with batting and hot glue and it's very light weight

so it only took 2 nails to hang it.

It works great! Here are the blocks from my
heart swap on Facebook on my new board.
Aren't they pretty?
The board is about 4' x 4' and I'm very happy
with it!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012


I love playing with paints -

and was so inspired by Judi's

(Approachable Art)

monoprints - that I had to try it for myself!

I found a step by step video at

by Linda Germain. Excellent!

After watching Linda's video I thought I

did it all correctly - my mold fell apart!

I realized, after going through the trash and

counting the gelatin packets - that I didn't

add enough gelatin. So, I had to make another

trip to the store. This time I made sure I counted

the packets correctly - and it came out great!

This is my first time and I was experimenting

with paints and inks and techniques ----

Setacolor paint - leaves for prints
I also used a paintbrush to lay down the paint

Setacolor paint applied with a brush
I used plastic shelf liner underneath and also
embossed paper towels! Didn't think it would work
but it did!

Setacolor paint applied with a roller.
I cut out paper leaves with freezer paper
and ironed on the fabric as a mask.
I tried making more prints with the paint
that was on the freezer paper after peeling it

Setacolor paints applied with a brush.
I used leaves and some drypoint with
a chop stick - also my hand cut stencil.
(drypoint - making marks in the paint that
you brushed on)

Setacolor paints applied with roller -
plastic shelf lining under and my freezer
paper leaves on top.
I used WAY too much paint but I think I
can save this piece with some black on top.

Too much paint that puddled - but I'm learning!
I really love the paper towel underneath! (to the right)

Next I had this brainstorm-
I had bought those aluminum disposable
cookie sheets that have a design on them and so

I used Tsukineko inks and painted the
cookie sheet with a brush - then with a
dry roller went over the top of the fabric.
I think it came out pretty cool!

I had lots of fun with this project and hopefully
will get better as I learn more about it!

Thanks Judi!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Free Motion Challenge

by SewCalGal

I'm not new to Free Motion Quilting but I can certainly use

the practice and to challenge myself to improve and learn

new techniques. That's what this Challenge is all about - it's

not a contest or a class.

There is also a Facebook page where we can chat,

show photos and ask lots of questions.

Every month there will be a FMQ expert teacher to give us

tips and tutorials. This month it's Frances Moore -

You can read her blog Click here

Frances does beautiful work and we thank her for taking time

to help us out!

I haven't done FMQ in quite awhile, so I'm a little out of practice.

Getting my space prepared:

I cut a piece of plastic shelving to put under the
foot control so that it doesn't slide while I'm sewing.

Sometimes I use the extended table and
sometimes not.. But I always use the thread
holder for FMQ - it doesn't let the thread
get tangled and it flows freely.

I wear the quilting gloves - I don't really like
the rubber tips. The gloves help me to move
the fabric more easily.

I always warm up before I FMQ and also
test new threads, needles, tension, etc.

I'm using my old faithful Kenmore sewing machine -
I don't know how old it is....??
But the needle goes up and down and it works!
It also loves to do Free Motion Quilt best!

Most machines have a Presser foot pressure dial -
**** check your manual ****
Example: 3 - is for regular sewing 2- for applique
and free motion
1- sewing chiffon, lace and other fine fabrics

I cut out the front of my darning foot with a wire
cutter so that I could see where I was going a little
bit better. I got this idea from Luann Kessi
May Your Bobbins Always Be Full blog
stop by and see Luann's quilts - they're gorgeous!!

Practice drawing out the leaf design that
Frances showed us on her blog - first -
to get the feel of the motion.

Keeping the stitches even and smooth
is very difficult but with practice will improve.

My first practice piece (in a long time) - not too bad.
I write what thread, needle and whether I used
the feed dogs up or down. In this case
I put the feed dogs up - for some reason the
stitches came out better.

I'm looking forward to more tutorials each month
and to challenge myself to practice a little each day.

Thank you SewCalGal and Frances - Miss January!