Sunday, September 30, 2012

Breast Pockets

As most of you know - October is
Breast Cancer Awareness month.

One of my Facebook friends and fellow blogger -
Melanie Testa - is asking, whoever is willing,
to make "breast pockets" - the kind that you 
sew on a blouse. You can make them for someone
you know who had  a mastectomy without reconstruction
or in memory of someone that you knew or family
member. Melanie will tell us where to mail them.

You can read more about Breast Pockets <---here
at Melanie's blog. She needs 1,000 by October 22.

I hope that you will join me in making some
pretty cool pockets and flaps. If you need
a pattern; Melanie has one on her page in
a PDF file.

I'm not a seamstress but I did manage to draw
my own pattern - the pocket is easy but the flap
can be kind of tricky. If I can do this so can you!
You can make one in a night - they go very fast.

I had three women in my family with breast
cancer: My cousin Ruthie, my cousin Roe,
and my sister-in-law Joy. I'm making my pockets
in their memory. Come and join me!

Here's my first attempt:

I'm making some of them with 
my hand painted fabrics. I also
want them to be happy, fun,
and a little wonky. This is
an improvisational pattern -
make it up as you go along.
It's one of my favorite things
to do.
I think it's great for my first

Please stop by Melanie's blog and get more details.
