I found this web site for
making collages
You don't have to sign up and best
of all it's FREE!
They only have 2 templates - here's
the other
You can make one of family, quilts,
your photos, etc.
If you have Photoshop or even Paint
you can "cut" them and instead
of 9 photos I made it 6 - for Example:
This I did in Paint (XP version)
Just open up you collage in Paint
Up on the left side - you see that
little square? Click on it - start
at the right hand corner and move
along the top row of photos. It
should outline the top 3 photos.
(This may take some trial and error
just keep practicing) It's worth it!
See the broken lines around the top
photos? Once you see that go up to "edit"
Now click on "cut"
Gone! Now what you do is go to
"file" and click on "new"
It will ask you first If you want to
"save" the photo (with the cut out)
Click on "don't save" this will preserve
your original photo.
Now you have a blank page
Now click on "edit"
And then click on "paste"
It will paste the 3 photos that we just
cut out of the 9 photo collage.
And there is your photo! Now see those
broken lines - to make them disappear
for further editing - just put your cursor
"outside of the lines" below and just
click and the lines will disappear.
Now your left with all of this white
space which you want to get rid of.
Look closely at this white space and
you will see a little blue dot to the
Place your cursor over this blue dot.
when you place your cursor over the blue
dot you will see a double arrow. When you
see that just gently slide it to the
left and you will see the "white space"
move with it - just go to the edge of
your photo and stop.
Great! Now see the blue dot on the
bottom of the white space - do the
same thing and now you can "save"
your new collage photo!
I know this may seem like a lot of work
to some of you but it's worth it because
now you can do other things with it.
You can make a new banner for your
blog or even Etsy if you have a shop.
Or you can play around with quilt blocks
that you created.
Hope you will give it a try!