Saturday, March 21, 2015

Yay Spring

Well you wouldn't know it was spring from

the recent snow that we had but I have high


I have been putting sets together from all

of the eco fabric (from plant dyes) that I 

had dyed a few months ago. I put them away

and make them cure for awhile and then take

them out and wash them. So far so good - no

color loss! Yay!

These were dyed from Pear, Pyracantha leaves , 

and prunus serrulata leaves - also some cherry

tree bark. All found here in Lancaster County 

and I used no chemicals or metals in the dye

matter - all natural. I love the way the colors

came out and seem to blend together. 

This Shibori piece was also dyed with Prunus 

Serrulata leaves (fall). It will be interesting to

see what color they give in the spring and summer.

That's the fun part!

I used a piece of fabric dyed from Oak and

the Prunus leaves to make this little needle book.

The embroidery threads are all naturally dyed also.

All the above for sale in my Etsy shop

During the winter months I also love to bake....

I haven't made a Crumb cake in years! And

it was delicious! The cake part is made with

cream cheese and the top - a layer of chopped walnuts 

on top and then the crumbs - OMG good!

And now that Spring is here the crazy crows are 

back! Hundred and hundreds and the noise!

These are only two trees - they were on

eight others in the back by the farmer's field. 

And then there was just one bird 

at my little make shift feed (which of course the

squirrel knocked down) a White Throat sparrow

male. Cute!

I'm keep looking for migrating birds but I haven't

seen any yet. 

Back to cleaning out my Sewing Studio !

Happy Quilting!