L'Chaim is Hebrew - used to toast a person or to a couples health - or just something in general.
The literal meaning "To Life"!
Today was one of those days where I felt.. ... I really don't know what word to use.. maybe "spiritual" or "in sync" with the universe? Wow that sounds so 60's! Or how about "oneness" or "in perfect harmony" .. whatever. Ever feel that way?
While shopping in a store - did you ever make eye contact with someone and then at the same exact moment you both smile and say "hello" to each other. And you don't even know them and have never seen them before!
I asked a friend about this once and she said that it happens to her. Her explanation was that your inner spirits recognize one another..? Kindred spirits maybe. All I know that when it happens it makes me very happy ... don't know why that is but it does. And this is how my day progressed.
There's a robin red-breast that has taken residence in a small tree by my front door. Every time I come out or go in she goes crazy twittering away. Kind of like yelling at me. So when I came home from shopping; she wasn't there. I suspected that she was guarding her nest and sure enough I found a nest with 4 little baby birds! I took advantage of her absence and grabbed for my camera before her return. I gently pushed aside the branches (I didn't want to scare the little ones to death!) and I proceeded to take several shots.
Here's the nest. I have to come in a little closer without scaring them.
Oh wow! I was never this close to a bird's nest before this!
I guess they're waiting for some juicy worms.
I had my camera set on Macro. You can see the little hairs... future feathers on his head! Aren't they adorable!
Onward to the Garden!
"Almost there" Iris
Such glorious colors!
Doesn't it seem like everything turned green so fast!
And finally
Folk Art Tribute Dawn just published the last block. The basket block on the bottom. The pieces are cut out and backed with freezer paper, the binding is pressed. Now I just need to applique everything down. The middle block is hand quilted. This will probably take me all summer to hand quilt! I love it! Thank you Dawn!
Psalm 92 For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands.